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Number times gave blood for unknown reason, past 12 months

Survey Text

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If 17 years old or over, ask

33a. During the past 12 months, has -- given or sold any blood to a blood bank, a hospital, the Red Cross, or anywhere else?

0 [] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y
2 [] N (NP)

b. During the past 12 months, how many times has -- given or sold his blood?

Times ____

For each donation reported in Q. 33b, ask:

c. Which of these reasons listed on this card (Hand Card B) best describes why -- gave blood (the last time, the time before that, etc.)?


1. Sold blood.
2. Replaced blood used by a relative or friend.
3. Unpaid donation to a blood bank to assure free blood for this family in the future.
4. Other unpaid blood donation which was not for replacement and did not assure free blood for this family in the future.
5. Some other reason

[Col 1-4, 1 being most recent time donated.]
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 -- Specify ____