Codes and Frequencies
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For sample adults (persons age 17 and older in 1977) who reported working in the past 12 months, WLDAYR2 is a recoded variable that reports the number of days that the person was missed work because of an illness or injury in the past 12 months. This does not include maternity leave
WLDAYR2 is part of a series of variables used to determine if an illness or injury has caused persons to restrict their usual activities during the two week reference period. These are aggregated to estimate the annual number of work-loss days, school-loss days, days in bed, and days of cutting down on usual activities. For more information please use the search function and IPUMS NHIS drop-down menus.
The universe was restricted only to sample adults who reported working in the past 12 months after 1977. The more expansive universe in 1977, including all persons age 17 and older who reported working in the past 12 months, affects raw frequencies for WLDAYR2 in this year. Otherwise, there are no comparability issues.
- 1977: Persons age 17+ who reported working during the past 12 months.
- 1997-2018: Sample adults age 18+ who worked during past 12 months.
- 1977, 1997-2018
- 1977 : PERWEIGHT
- 1997-2018 : SAMPWEIGHT