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Took calcium, past 12 months: Number of pills per day


VITYCALCPILS is a variable with two columns and no implied decimal place.

00: NIU
98: 98+ calcium pills per day
99: Unknown


For sample adults in 1987 who had taken vitamin or mineral supplements (VITANY) and calcium (VITACALC) in the past 12 months, VITYCALCPILS reports the number of calcium pills taken per day by the respondent.

Related Variables 

In addition to asking about the number of calcium pills taken per day, interviewers also asked how many milligrams of calcium were in each pill (VITYCALCMG). It is, therefore, possible to determine the amount of calcium respondents were taking, on days they took calcium. The related variables VITACALCMO and VITACALCDMO report the frequency of respondents' use of calcium in number of months and number of days per month, respectively.

Analysts interested in the number of calcium pills taken per day may wish to consult the following variables, which report parallel information for other vitamins/minerals (all only available for 1987):

For more information on the full range of variables related to vitamins and minerals, see VITANY.


VITYCALCPILS is only available for 1987.


  • 1987: Half of sample persons age 18+ (excluded from CACT supplement) who took vitamin/mineral supplements and took calcium in the past 12 months.


  • 1987
