Survey Text

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Instrument Variable Name: SELNDN
Question Text:
1 of 2
During [fill1: the month/those months] about how many [fill2: DAYS/DAYS PER MONTH] did you take selenium?
*Enter number of days taking selenium.
*Enter '30' for all days in the month.
*Enter '95' for other.
01-30 1-30 days
95 Other
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken selenium at least one month in the last year
Skip Instructions:
(1-29) [goto SELNDT]
(30) store '2' in SELNDT [goto HERBSUPP] (95) store '3' in SELNDT [goto HERBSUPP]
(R,D) store 'R', 'D' in SELNDT [goto HERBSUPP]