Question ID: UTZ.0070.00.1
Variable: URGENT12M_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
During the past 12 months, how many times have you gone to an urgent care center or a clinic in a drug store or grocery store about your health?
Enter 96 if number is 96 or greater.
Read if necessary: Urgent care centers and clinics in drug stores or grocery stores are places where you do not need to make an appointment ahead of time, and do not usually see the same health care provider at each visit.
Read if necessary: This is different from a hospital emergency room.
00-95 0-95 times
96 96+ times
97 Refused
99 Do not Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:0-39,RF,DK = [goto EMERGE12M_A]
40-96 = [goto ERR1_URGENT12M_A]
Soft Edit:
Check Description: Urgent care 40-96 times
Check Text: {signal ERR1_URGENT12M_A} ^URGENT12M_A is an unusually large number. Did you visit an urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store about your health ^URGENT12M_A times in the past 12 months? Please verify.
Question ID: UTZ.0070.00.1
Variable: URGENT12M_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question Text:
During the past 12 months, how many times has ^SCNAME gone to an urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store about ^hisher_C health?
Enter '96' if number is 96 or greater.
Read if necessary: Urgent care centers and clinics in drug stores or grocery stores are places where you do not need to make an appointment ahead of time, and do not usually see the same health care provider at each visit.
Read if necessary: This is different from a hospital emergency room.
Description Sample child's name
Instruction Fill ALIAS of HHSTAT_C=1
Description his/her/their
Instruction if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C]=1 fill "his";
else if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C]=2 fill "her";
else if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_C] in (blank,DK,RF): fill "their"
Response:00-95 0-95 times
96 96+ times
97 Refused
99 Do not Know
Universe:Sample Children 0-17
Skip Instructions:0-39,RF,DK = [goto EMERGE12M_C]
40-96 = [goto ERR1_URGENT12M_C]
Soft Edit:
Check Description: Urgent care 40-96 times
Check Text: {signal ERR1_URGENT12M_C} ^URGENT12M_C is an unusually large number. Did ^SCNAME visit an urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store about ^hishertheir health ^URGENT12M_C times in the past 12 months? Please verify.