Hand Card H3. Read each category if telephone interview.
CARD H31. Aralen (Chloroquine phosphate)
2. Doxycycline
3. Fansidar (Pyrimethamine Sulfadoxine)
4. Lariam (Mefloquine)
5. Paludrine (Proguanil)
6. Plaquenil (Hydroxy-cholroquine sulfate)
8. Other -- Specify
b. Which medications did you take? Any others?
Mark each that applies.
1[] Aralen (AIR-uh-len) Chloroquine phosphate (Klo-roh-KWIN fos-FATE)
2[] Doxycycline (dox-i-SIGH--kleen)
3[] Fansidar (Fan-see-DAR; last syllable rhymes with car) Pyrimethamine Sulfadoxine (Pie-rih-METH-uh-mean sulfa-DOX-een)
4[] Lariam (LAIR-e-am) Mefloquine (meh-flow-KWIN); e in first syllable has short vowel sound.
5[] Paludrine (Pal-you-DRUN) Proguanil (Pro-GWAN-nil)
6[] Plaquenil (Plah-GWAN-nil) Hydroxy-chloroquine sulfate (hi-DROCKS-e kloro-KWIN sul-FATE)
8[] Other (Specify) ____
9[] DK