Codes and Frequencies
For sample adults, TRAVA5 reports if the respondent travelled outside of the United States or Canada in the past 5 years.
TRAVA5 is part of a supplement on vaccinations and foreign travel. For more information please see below or use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus.
Related Variables
Respondents were asked about the time and location of trips they took in the past 5 years.
- Number of trips outside US or Canada, past 5 years (TRAVA5NO)
- Years in which the respondent took the trips (TRAVA586, (TRAVA587, (TRAVA588, (TRAVA589, (TRAVA590, (TRAVA591)
- Trip to Europe (TRAVA5EUR)
- Trip to Middle East (TRAVA5MIDE)
- Trip to East Africa (TRAVA5EAFR)
- Trip to West Africa (TRAVA5WAFR)
- Trip to Central Africa (TRAVA5CAFR)
- Trip to Northern Africa (TRAVA5NAFR)
- Trip to Southern Africa (TRAVA5SAFR)
- Trip to Asia or Pacific Islands (TRAVA5ASIA)
- Trip to Australia or New Zealand (TRAVA5AUS)
- Trip to Mexico (TRAVA5MEX)
- Trip to Central America (TRAVA5CAM)
- Trip to Caribbean (TRAVA5CAR)
- Trip to South America (TRAVA5SAM)
- Trip to some other place (TRAVA5OTH)
Respondents who reported taking medication to prevent malaria for a trip outside of the US, Canada, or Europe (T5MALP) were asked about the type of medication taken. Possible options include:
- Aralen, or chloroquine phosphate (T5MALPARA)
- Doxycycline (T5MALPDOX)
- Fansidar, or pyrimethamine sulfadoxine (T5MALPFAN)
- Lariam, or mefloquine (T5MALPLAR)
- Paludrine, or Proguánil (T5MALPPALU)
- Plaquenil, or hydroxy-chloroquine sulfate (T5MALPPALQ)
- Another medication (T5MALPOTH)
Respondents who got shots to prevent infectious diseases for a trip outside of the US, Canada, or Europe (T5VAC) were asked about the type of vaccinations received. Possible options include:
- 1991: Sample persons age 18+.
- 1991