Instrument Variable Name: REDMEAT
Question Text:
(book) CAN2 and CAN4
*Read if necessary: During the past month . . .
How often did you eat RED MEAT?
00 Never
01 1-3 times last month
02 1-2 times per week
03 3-4 times per week
04 5-6 times per week
05 1 time per day
06 2 times per day
07 3 times per day
08 4 times per day
09 5 or more times per day
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Card CAN20. Never
1. 1-3 times last month
2. 1-2 times per week
3. 3-4 times per week
4. 5-6 times per week
5. 1 time per day
6. 2 times per day
7. 3 times per day
8. 4 times per day
9. 5 or more times per day
Include -
Beef, veal
Pork, bacon
Hotdogs and coldcuts made with those meats
Mixtures with those meats, like sandwiches, lasagna, stew . . .
Do NOT include -
Fish or seafood
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(0-9,R,D) [goto BREAD]