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Ever participate in prayer group

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For sample adults in 2002 who had ever prayed specifically for their own health or had asked or had others pray for their (the sample adults') own health (PRASELFEV or PRAOTHEV), PRAGROUPEV indicates whether the respondent had ever participated in a prayer chain or prayer group for his/her own health. Those who answered affirmatively were asked whether they had participated in such a group for their own health in the past 12 months (PRAGROUPYR).

PRAGROUPEV is part of a series of variables from the 2002 and 2007 supplements on Complementary and Alternative medicine. In those years, respondents were asked about their use of prayer/spiritual healing and 15 other modalities of alternative medicine. Information on sample children's use of prayer and spiritual healing was not collected in either year, although their use of the other modalities of alternative medicine was included in the 2007 survey. For more information about the Alternative Health supplements, see ACUYR. For more information about the full range of variables related to prayer/spiritual healing, including definitions, see PRARITYR.


PRAGROUPEV is only available for 2002.


  • 2002: Sample adults age 18+ who have ever prayed specifically for their own health or have asked or had others pray for their own health.


  • 2002
