PERWEIGHT92 is a 9-digit numeric variable.
PERWEIGHT92 is an IPUMS NHIS-constructed variable based on the Final Annual Weight excluding the Hispanic oversample in the 1992 NHIS public use files. For analyses using the person as the unit of analysis and pooling the 1991 and 1992 years of data, researchers should use PERWEIGHT92 for 1992 and drop members of the Hispanic oversample (identifiable by values of NHISPID in 1992 that begin with 1991. See the user note on the Hispanic Oversample for additional information. PERWEIGHT92 represents the inverse probability of selection into the sample, adjusted for non-response with post-stratification adjustments for age, race/ethnicity, and sex using the Census Bureau's population control totals. For each year, the sum of these weights is equal to that year's civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population.
There are instances, however, when the researcher should use a different person-level weight, particularly with supplements where a random adult or child family member was selected for questioning. Users should review the documentation for extracted variables--most notably the "Weights" section toward the top of each variable description--to ascertain which weight is the appropriate choice for a given survey year. See the User Notes on the use of sampling weights for additional information.
- 1992: All persons.
- 1992

- 1992 : MORTWT