Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | More often | X |
2 | Less often | X |
3 | About the same | X |
9 | Unknown | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults age 55 and over who had any trouble remembering things in the past year, MEMRYDIFYR reports responses to the question, "Compared with a year ago, does this now happen more often, less often, or about the same?" This is the second part of a question in which respondents were first asked, "People find that they sometimes have more trouble remembering things as they get older. In the past year, about how often did you have trouble remembering things - frequently, sometimes, rarely, or never?" Those who did not say "never" were asked the question for MEMRYDIFYR. The term "trouble remembering" was respondent defined.
If the respondent provided an answer other than those listed on the survey text, such as "once in a while," then the interviewer first repeated then options and then recorded the verbatim response if the respondent still answered differently than the recognized response categories.
Related Variables
Related variables include CONFUSEFREQ, frequency of getting confused within the past year and CONFUSEYR, frequency of getting confused compared to a year ago.
- 1984: Sample persons age 55+ who did not use a proxy respondent and who did not say they never had trouble remembering things in the past year.
- 1984