Survey Text


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Question ID: ALC.0030.00.2
Variable: DRKAVG12M_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:
When counting number of drinks, one drink is equal to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine,
or one shot or 1.5 ounces of liquor. A larger 40-ounce beer would count as 3 drinks, or a
cocktail drink with 2 shots would count as 2 drinks.
During the past 12 months, on those days that you drank alcoholic beverages, on average, how
many DRINKS did you have?
* Enter '0' if never drank in the past 12 months.
* Enter '1' if 1 or fewer drinks.
* Enter '95' if 95 or more drinks.
00-95 - Range of values
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who drank at least once in the past year or don't know
Skip Instructions:
0 [goto DRK12ANYR_A]
1-3,RF,DK [goto DRKBNG12M_A]
4 if GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 [goto DRKANY30D_A]
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (1,RF,DK) [goto DRKBNG12M_A]
5-95 [goto DRKANY30D_A]
10-95 [goto ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A]
Soft Edit:
Check Text: ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A
Check Description: 10 or more daily drinks
Check Text: {signal ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A} ^DRKAVG12M_A drinks is an usually high number. Please verify. Do not probe.
Question ID: ALC.0050.00.2
Variable: DRKBNG12M_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:
During the past 12 months, did you ever have ^BINGE drinks in a day?
Description: 5 or more/4 or more
If GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (1,RF,DK) fill: "5 or more" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2, fill: "4 or more"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who drank less than 4(female)/5(male, refused, don't know sex) drinks a day on average
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto DRKANY30D_A]
2,RF,DK if (DRKAVG12M_A IN (RF,DK) and DRK12MN_A GE 1) [goto DRKANY30D_A]
elseif UTZ.LASTDR_A=1 and (DRK12MN_A GE 1 or DRKAVG12M_A GE 1)[goto DRKADVISE_A]
elseif (UTZ.LASTDR_A NE 1 or (DRKAVG12M_A IN (RF,DK) AND DRK12MN_A=DK))[goto next section]
Question ID: ALC.0070.00.2
Variable: DRKBNG30D_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:
During the past 30 days, how many times did you have ^BINGE drinks on an occasion?
* Read if necessary: A drinking occasion is considered to be approximately two hours.
* Enter '0' if none.
* Enter '60' if 60 or more times.
Description: 5 or more/4 or more
If GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (1,RF,DK) fill: "5 or more" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2, fill: "4 or more"
00-60 - Range of values
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who drank in the past 30 days or refused or don't know
Skip Instructions:
0-60,RF,DK if UTZ.LASTDR_A=1 and (DRK12MN_A ge 1 or DRKAVG12M_A ge 1) [goto DRKADVISE_A]
else [goto next section]

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Check item AAU_CCI3: Females - all those who averaged 7 or more drinks per week over the past year and/or who consumed at least 3 drinks on days that they drank and/or who had 5 or more drinks in a single day at least twice in the past year.

Males - all those who averaged 14 or more drinks per week over the past year and/or who
consumed at least 4 drinks on days that they drank and/or who had 5 or more drinks in a
single day at least twice over the past year.

[Else go to Check Item AAUCCI4]
(Note: During post editing, the universe was modified for ease of interpretation and to be consistent with the 2010 Healthy People Objectives (26-13.))


DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, has your (fill from kind of provider-- taken from AQHPKND2, AHCPLKND, OR APLKIND) advised you to reduce your alcohol consumption or recommended you participate in a program to help you reduce your alcohol consumption?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know