Survey Text

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Question ID: PRV.0400.00.3
Variable: MAMWHY1ST_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content

Question Text:

What was the MAIN REASON you had your first mammogram?

Put response into correct category below.
1 Because of a breast problem
2 My healthcare provider told me I was high-risk
3 Family history of breast cancer
4 Part of a routine exam
5 I requested it
6 Other reason
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Female Sample adults 30+ who had their first mammogram under age 50 or do not know or refused to say when they had their first mammogram and are under age 50.
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1-6,RF,DK = [goto BREASTEXAM_A]

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Question ID: NAF.245_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAMREA
What was the MAIN reason you had your first mammogram?
*Put response into correct category below.
1 Because of a breast problem
2 My healthcare provider told me I was high-risk
3 Family history of breast cancer
4 Part of a routine exam
5 I requested it
6 Other reason
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Female sample adults age 30+ who have ever had a mammogram and who had first mammogram at age 39 or less
(1-6,R,D) [goto MAM6YR]