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Record date of third DTP shot: Day

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For sample children under 6 years old who have an immunization record and who have at least three DTP vaccines on their record, IMRDTPDA3 reports the day when the person received his/her third DTP vaccine. DTP shots are sometimes called diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis shots, baby shots, or three-in-one-shots.

Users should combine IMRDTPDA3 with IMRDTPMO3 and IMRDTPY3, which report the month and year when the person received his/her third DTP vaccine.

Users are strongly encouraged to visit the Universe tab for more information on changes in the universe across surveyed years.


In 1995-1996, the variable included both sample children under 6 years old and all children aged 19-35 months old who were not selected as the sample children. In 1991-1994, this variable only included sample children under 6 years old.


  • 1991-1993: Sample persons under 6, with any information transcribed from a shot record who have at least 3 DTP shots indicated on record.
  • 1994-1996: Sample persons under 6 and all children 19-35 months old, with any information transcribed from a shot record and with at least 3 DTP shots indicated on record.


  • 1991-1996
