Question ID: INS.0430.00.1
Variable: PLNPAY_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Who pays for this health insurance plan?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Response:1 - Self or family (living in the household)
2 - Employer or union
3 - Someone outside the household
4 - Medicare
5 - Medicaid
6 - Other government program
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know.
Skip Instructions:if 1 IN PLNPAY_A [goto HICOSTN_A]
else if 2-6 IN PLNPAY_A or PLNPAY_A IN (RF,DK)[goto PRDEDUC_A]
Question ID: INS.0390.00.1
Variable: PLNPAY_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:Who pays for this health insurance plan?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Response:1 - ^SCNAME or family (living in the household)
2 - Employer or union
3 - Someone outside the household
4 - Medicare
5 - Medicaid
6 - Other government program
Universe:Sample Children 0-17 with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know and were enrolled in a private health plan where a plan name was given or refused or don't know.
Skip Instructions:1-6,RF,DK if 1 IN PLNPAY_C [goto HICOSTN_C]
else [goto PRDEDUC_C]