Question ID: INS.0020.00.1
Variable: HIKIND_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:?[F1]
What kinds of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Is it...Private health insurance, Medicare, Medicare supplement, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP,
military related health care including TRICARE, CHAMPUS, VA health care and CHAMP-VA, Indian Health Service, a state-sponsored health plan, or an other government program?
Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Response:01 - Private health insurance
02 - Medicare
03 - Medigap
04 - Medicaid
05 - Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
06 - Military related health care: TRICARE (CHAMPUS) / VA health care / CHAMPVA
07 - Indian Health Service
08 - State-sponsored health plan
09 - Other government program
10 - No coverage of any type
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Adults 18+ covered by any kind of health insurance or health care coverage or refused/don't know if they have insurance or health care coverage.
Skip Instructions:if more than 1 answer selected and (10 IN HIKIND_A) [goto ERR1_HIKIND_A]
elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) and
Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A]=2) and 2 NOT IN HIKIND_A [goto MCAREPRB_A]
elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) and
Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65 IN (1,RF,DK,empty)) and HIKIND_A IN (10,RF,DK) [goto
else [goto SINCOVDE_A]
Hard Edit:Check Text: ERR1_HIKIND_A
Check Description: Selecting no coverage and other categories hard edit
Check Text: {check ERR1_HIKIND_A}
Cannot mark "no coverage of any kind" and another type. Please correct.
Question ID: INS.0020.00.1
Variable: HIKIND_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:?[F1]
What kinds of health insurance or health care coverage does ^SCNAME have? Is it...Private health insurance, Medicare, Medicare supplement, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP, military related health care including TRICARE, CHAMPUS, VA health care and CHAMP-VA, Indian Health Service, state-sponsored health plan, or an other government program?
Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Description: Sample child's name
Response:01 - Private health insurance
02 - Medicare
03 - Medigap
04 - Medicaid
05 - Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
06 - Military related health care: TRICARE (CHAMPUS) / VA health care / CHAMPVA
07 - Indian Health Service
08 - State-sponsored health plan
09 - Other government program
10 - No coverage of any type
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Universe:Sample Children 0-17 covered by any kind of health insurance or health care coverage or refused/don't know if they have insurance or health care coverage.
Skip Instructions:if 1 answer selected and (10> in HIKIND_C) [goto ERR1_HIKIND_C]
else if HIKIND_C=RF,DK or (10 in HIKIND_C) [goto MCAIDPRB_C]
else [goto SINCOVDE_C]
Hard Edit:Check Text: ERR1_HIKIND_C
Check Description: Selecting no coverage and other categories hard edit
Check Text: {check ERR1_HIKIND_C}
Cannot mark "no coverage of any kind" and another type. Please correct.