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Household weight, final annual


HHWEIGHT is a 6-digit numeric variable.


HHWEIGHT is an IPUMS NHIS-constructed variable based on the Final Annual Household Weight for 1997 forward and the Final Basic Weight in 1969-1996 NHIS public use files. HHWEIGHT represents the inverse probability of household selection into the sample, adjusted for non-response. For analyses using the household as the unit of analysis (e.g., how many households contained a person who needed help with activities of daily living?), researchers should use the household weight.

Rather than using HHWEIGHT, researchers should use PERWEIGHT or SAMPWEIGHT when analyzing person-level variables or variables from the sample adult/sample child supplements from 1997 forward. See the User Notes on the use of sampling weights for additional information.


This variable is comparable for all years.


  • 1969-2018: All households.


  • 1969-2018
