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Condition count for 2nd herbal supplement used to treat a condition

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For sample adults in 2007 who had taken two or more herbal supplements during the past 30 days (HERMOSUPNO) and had taken the second herbal supplement to treat or cure a specific health problem or condition (HER2TREAT), HER2TCONNO is a summary variable reporting the number of health conditions the respondent had treated by taking a second herbal supplement.

For respondents who had taken a first herbal supplement to treat a specific health problem (HER1TREAT), parallel information was collected on the number of health conditions the respondent had treated by taking that first herbal supplement (HER1TCONNO).


HER2TCONNO is only available for 2007.


  • 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have taken two or more herbal supplements during the past 30 days and took the second herbal supplement to treat or cure a specific health problem or condition.


  • 2007
