Question ID:: CHS.020_01.000
Instrument Variable Name:: CHGT_FT
?[F1] How tall is [fill: S.C. name] now (without shoes)?
* If the child's height is given in inches, press 'ENTER' at feet and enter the measure in inches (36 inches maximum).
* Enter 'M' to record metric measurements.
00-07 0-7 feet
97 Refused
99 Don't know
M Metric
UniverseText: Sample children 12+
(empty) [goto CHGT_IN]
(0-7) [goto CHGT_IN]
(R,D) [goto CWGT_LB]
(M) [goto CHGT_M]
[If NE (0-7, M, D, R) goto ERR_CHGT_FT]
Hard Edit: ERR_CHGT_FT
* Only "0-7" or "M" or "Don't know/Refused" allowed in this field.
* Please correct.
Question ID:: CHS.020_02.000
Instrument Variable Name:: CHGT_IN
* Enter inches.
00-36 0-36 inches
97 Refused
99 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 12+ whose height in feet is 0-7 or is left empty.
(0-36,R,D) If (CHGT_FT = '0', 'empty') and (CHGT_IN = '0', 'empty')
elseif CHGT_FT = '1-7' and CHGT_IN ge '12'
elseif (SEX = '1' and
AGE = '12' and (CHTINCH lt '53' or CHTINCH gt '68')) or
AGE = '13' and (CHTINCH lt '55' or CHTINCH gt '72')) or
AGE = '14' and (CHTINCH lt '58' or CHTINCH gt '73')) or
AGE = '15' and (CHTINCH lt '60' or CHTINCH gt '74')) or
AGE = '16' and (CHTINCH lt '61' or CHTINCH gt '74')) or
AGE = '17' and (CHTINCH lt '62' or CHTINCH gt '75')) or
(SEX = '2' and
AGE = '12' and (CHTINCH lt '54' or CHTINCH gt '68')) or
AGE = '13' and (CHTINCH lt '55' or CHTINCH gt '69')) or
AGE = '14' and (CHTINCH lt '57' or CHTINCH gt '69')) or
AGE = '15' and (CHTINCH lt '57' or CHTINCH gt '69')) or
AGE = '16' and (CHTINCH lt '57' or CHTINCH gt '70')) or
AGE = '17' and (CHTINCH lt '57' or CHTINCH gt '69'))
goto CWGT_LB
Hard Edit: ERR1_CHGT_IN
* Must enter an answer in at least the inches item.
* Please correct.
* Number of inches exceeds maximum allowed.
* Please correct.
Soft Edit: ERR3_CHGT_IN
* Please verify that the height was entered correctly. Probe only if necessary.
Question ID:: CHS.021_01.000
Instrument Variable Name:: CHGT_M
* Enter height in metric.
* If the child's height is given in centimeters, press 'ENTER' at meters and enter the measure in centimeters (241 centimeters maximum).
0-2 0-2 meters
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Blank Blank
UniverseText: Sample children 12+ whose current height will be entered in metric.
(0-2,empty) [goto CHGT_CM]
(R,D) [goto CWGT_LB]
Question ID:: CHS.021_02.000
Instrument Variable Name:: CHGT_CM
* Enter centimeters.
000-241 0-241 centimeters
Blank Blank
UniverseText: Sample children 12+ whose weight will be entered in metric, and who entered "0-2" for height in meters or left it empty.
(0-241,R,D) If (CHGT_M = '0', 'empty') and (CHGT_CM = '0', 'empty')
elseif (CHGT_M eq '2' and CHGT_CM gt '41') or (CHGT_M eq '1' and CHGT_CM gt '141')
elseif (SEX = '1' and
AGE = '12' and (CHTCM lt '137' or CHTCM gt '174')) or
AGE = '13' and (CHTCM lt '140' or CHTCM gt '184')) or
AGE = '14' and (CHTCM lt '148' or CHTCM gt '186')) or
AGE = '15' and (CHTCM lt '152' or CHTCM gt '189')) or
AGE = '16' and (CHTCM lt '156' or CHTCM gt '189')) or
AGE = '17' and (CHTCM lt '157' or CHTCM gt '192')) or
(SEX = '2' and
AGE = '12' and (CHTCM lt '138' or CHTCM gt '173')) or
AGE = '13' and (CHTCM lt '141' or CHTCM gt '176')) or
AGE = '14' and (CHTCM lt '145' or CHTCM gt '176')) or
AGE = '15' and (CHTCM lt '145' or CHTCM gt '177')) or
AGE = '16' and (CHTCM lt '145' or CHTCM gt '177')) or
AGE = '17' and (CHTCM lt '145' or CHTCM gt '176'))
goto CWGT_LB
Hard Edit: ERR1_CHGT_CM
* Must enter an answer at least in the centimeters item.
* Please correct.
* Total height exceeds maximum allowed.
* Please correct.
Soft Edit: ERR3_CHGT_CM
* Please verify that the height was entered correctly. Probe only if necessary.