Codes and Frequencies
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For sample adults whom a doctor or other health professional had ever diagnosed as having a heart condition or heart problem other than angina pectoris, a heart attack, or coronary heart disease (HEARTCONEV), HEARTCONYR identifies those who had such a heart condition or problem during the past 12 months.
The Field Representative's Manual for 1997-2000 specifies some of the conditions that might be included under the heading of "other" heart conditions or problems: "Include as heart disease or heart condition any of the following: heart failure, chronic heart condition, rheumatic heart disease, atrial or mitral valve disease damage, etc." This list was not routinely shared with respondents.
Related Variables[show more]
In 2002 and 2007, the survey identified sample adults who had specific forms of heart disease during the past 12 months, including angina pectoris (ANGIPECYR), a heart attack or myocardial infarction (HEARTATYR), or coronary heart disease (CHEARTDIYR). Respondents for these inquiries were limited to those whom a doctor or other health professional had ever diagnosed as having the corresponding heart condition (ANGIPECEV), (HEARTATTEV), and (CHEARTDIEV). Also in 2002, the survey identified sample adults who had congestive heart failure during the past 12 months (CONHFAILYR), again limiting the inquiry to those sample adults who had ever been diagnosed with this condition (CONHFAILEV).
The 1977 survey included a single, broad question covering all types of heart disease or heart trouble during the past 12 months. Specifically, persons age 20 and older were asked, "During the past 12 months, did you have heart disease or heart trouble?" (HEARTDISYR).
- 2002; 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who were ever told by a doctor that they had a heart condition/disease other than coronary heart disease, angina, or a heart attack.
- 2002, 2007
- 2002, 2007 : SAMPWEIGHT
