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Any family member get advice/test results over the phone, past 2 weeks

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For all persons, FAMPHONMED reports if any family member talked with a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional about a member of the family in the past two weeks. For all years, calls related to dental care were not included. For 2000 forward, the question wording was modified and billing questions and prescription refills were also specifically excluded. These changes apparently affected responses. See also the comparability tab.


For 1999 forward, FAMPHONMED included phone calls for medical advice, prescriptions or test results, but not phone calls to make appointments. For 2000 forward, the question wording was modified and billing questions and prescription refills were also specifically excluded. According to the NHIS survey documentation, these changes apparently affected responses. For 1999 to 2001, phone calls for babies born during the week of the interview were also not included.


  • 1997-2013; 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018: All persons.


  • 1997-2018
