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Employment status in past 1 to 2 weeks

Survey Text

2023 2007 1991 1975
2022 2006 1990 1974
2021 2005 1989 1973
2020 2004 1988 1972
2019 2003 1987 1971
2018 2002 1986 1970
2017 2001 1985 1969
2016 2000 1984 1968
2015 1999 1983 1967
2014 1998 1982 1966
2013 1997 1981 1965
2012 1996 1980 1964
2011 1995 1979 1963
2010 1994 1978
2009 1993 1977
2008 1992 1976

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: EMP.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core

Question text:

LAST WEEK, did you work for pay at a job or business?
* If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business,
enter '1' for yes.
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto EMPHOURS_A]
2 [goto EMPNOWRK_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: EMP.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
LAST WEEK, did you work for pay at a job or business?
If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes.
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto EMPHOURS_A]
2 [goto EMPNOWRK_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: EMP.0020.00.1
Variable: EMPNOWRK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Did you have a job or business LAST WEEK, but were temporarily absent due to illness, vacation, family or maternity leave, or some other reason?
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay at a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto EMPHOURS_A]
2 [goto EMPWHYNOT_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: EMP.0030.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is the MAIN reason you were not working for pay at a job or business last week?
Probe if necessary.
01 - Unemployed, laid off, looking for work
02 - Seasonal/contract work
03 - Retired
04 - Unable to work for health reasons/disabled
05 - Taking care of house or family
06 - Going to school
07 - Working at a family-owned job or business not for pay
08 - Other
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay and were not on temporary leave from a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1-6,8,RF,DK [goto EMPWHENWRK_A]
7 [goto EMPHOURS_A]
Question ID: EMP.0040.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
When was the last time you worked for pay at a job or business, even if only for a few days?
1 - Within the past 12 months
2 - 1-5 years ago
3 - Over 5 years ago
4 - Never worked
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ whose main reason for not working last week was because they couldn't find work, did seasonal or contract work, were retired, unable to work for health reasons, taking care of the house/family, going to school, or some other reason, or refused or don't know
Skip Instructions:
else [goto EMPSICKLV_A]
2-4,RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Does ^ALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?
If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes.
Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX]
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people.
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto FEMWKFT_A]
2,RF,DK if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_A] for the next adult 18+
else [goto next section]
Replicate To: FEMWORK_C
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
^DoesDoyouALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?
If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter
'1' for yes.
Description: Do you/Does ^ALIASNAME
If PX=LNO_SCRESP, fill: "Do you" (that is if the subject of the question is the sample child respondent, fill: "Do
else fill: "Does ^ALIASNAME"
Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX]
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
(Sample Child is not in the same family as the Sample Adult OR Sample Child is in same family as Sample Adult and there is one adult in family who is the Sample Adult and the Sample Adult Employment section has not been asked OR Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section has not been asked OR Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section was asked but has don't know/refused responses for all questions and the sample adult isn't the sample child respondent.) AND Person is in Sample Child's family and over the age of 18
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto FEMWKFT_C]
2,RF,DK if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_C] for the next adult 18+
else [goto next section]
Replicate To: FEMWORK_A

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: EMP.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
LAST WEEK, did you work for pay at a job or business?
* If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business,
enter '1' for yes.
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto EMPWRKHRS_A]
2 [goto EMPNOWRK_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: EMP.0020.00.1
Variable: EMPNOWRK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Did you have a job or business LAST WEEK, but were temporarily absent due to illness, vacation,
family or maternity leave, or some other reason?
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay at a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto EMPWRKHRS_A]
2 [goto EMPRSNOWK_A]
RF,DK [goto next section]
Question ID: EMP.0050.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
What is the MAIN reason you were not working for pay at a job or business last week?
* Probe if necessary.
01 - Unemployed, laid off, looking for work
02 - Seasonal/contract work
03 - Retired
04 - Unable to work for health reasons/disabled
05 - Taking care of house or family
06 - Going to school
07 - Working at job or business but not for pay
08 - Other
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay and were not on temporary leave from a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1,3,4,5,6,8,RF,DK [goto EMPLSTWRK_A]
2,7 [goto EMDWHOWRK_A]
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
Does ^ALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?
* If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business,
enter '1' for yes.
Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX]
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people.
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto FEMWKFT_A]
2,RF,DK if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_A] for the next adult 18+
else [goto next section]
Replicate To: FEMWORK_C
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core
Question text:
^DoesDoyouALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?
* If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business,
enter '1' for yes.
Description: Do you/Does ^ALIASNAME
If PX=LNO_SCRESP, fill: "Do you" (that is if the subject of the question is the sample child respondent, fill: "Do
else fill: "Does ^ALIASNAME"
Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX]
Description: he works/she works/they work
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works"
elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
(Sample Child is not in the same family as the Sample Adult OR Sample Child is in same family as Sample Adult and there is one adult in family who is the Sample Adult and the Sample Adult Employment section has not been asked OR Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section has not been asked OR Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section was asked but has don't know/refused responses for all questions and the sample adult isn't the sample child respondent.) AND Person is in Sample Child's family and over the age of 18
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto FEMWKFT_C]
2,RF,DK if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_C] for the next adult 18+
else [goto next section]
Replicate To: FEMWORK_A

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: EMP.0010.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:
LAST WEEK, did you work for pay at a job or business?

If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes.

Description: he works/she works/they work
Instruction: elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

1 = [goto EMPWRKHRS_A]
2 = [goto EMPNOWRK_A]
RF,DK = [goto next section]

Question ID: EMP.0020.00.1
Variable: EMPNOWRK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:

Did you have a job or business LAST WEEK, but were temporarily absent due to illness, vacation, family or maternity leave, or some other reason?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay at a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1 = [goto EMPWRKHRS_A]
2 = [goto EMPRSNOWK_A]
RF,DK = [goto next section]
Question ID: EMP.0050.00.1
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:

What is the MAIN reason you were not working for pay at a job or business last week?

Probe if necessary.
01 Unemployed, laid off, seasonal/contract work, looking for work
02 Seasonal/contract work
03 Retired
04 Unable to work for health reasons/disabled
05 Taking care of house or family
06 Going to school
07 Working at job business but not for pay
08 Other
97 Refused
99 Do not Know
Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay, and were not on temporary leave from a job or business last week
Skip Instructions:
1,3,4,5,6,8,RF,DK = [goto EMPLSTWRK_A]
2,7 = [goto EMPPDSKLV_A]
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:
Does ^ALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?

If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes.

Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Instruction: Fill value from ALIAS


Description: he works/she works/they work
Instruction: elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family
OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed
OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people.
Skip Instructions:
1 = [goto FEMWKFT_A]
2,DK,RF = if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_A] for the next adult 18+ else [goto next section]
Replicate To:
Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1
Variable: FEMWORK_C
Interview Module: Child
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:
^DoesDoyouALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business?

If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes.

Description Do you/Does ^ALIASNAME
Instruction If PX=LNO_SCRESP, fill: "Do you" (that is if the subject of the question is the sample child respondent, fill: "Do you")
else fill: "Does ^ALIASNAME"


Description {Value of ALIAS}
Instruction Fill value from ALIAS


Description he works/she works/they work
Instruction elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK,RF fill "they work"
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
(Sample Child is not in the same family as the Sample Adult OR
Sample Child is in same family as Sample Adult and there is one adult in family who is the Sample Adult and the Sample Adult Employment section has not been asked
Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section has not been asked
Sample Child is in the same family as Sample Adult and there are more than one adults in the family and the Sample Adult FEM section was asked but has do not know/refused responses for all questions and the sample adult isn't the sample child respondent.)
Person is in Sample Child's family and over the age of 18
Skip Instructions:
1 = [goto FEMWKFT_C]
2,DK,RF = if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_C] for the next adult 18+ else [goto next section]
Replicate To:

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:FSD.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DOINGLW
Question Text:
(book) F22 ? [F1] The next few questions are about employment status. Which of the following [fill: were you/was ALIAS] doing last week?
* Read answer categories.
1 Working for pay at a job or business
2 With a job or business but not at work
3 Looking for work
4 Working, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business
5 Not working at a job or business and not looking for work
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text All persons 18 years of age or older
Skip Instructions:
(1,4) [go to WRKHRS]
(2,5) [go to WHYNOWRK]
(3,R,D) [go to WRKLYR]

NOTE: A flashcard was added to this question in quarter 3 of 2005.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (4)
[] 5-17 (3)
[] 18 and over (1)

1a. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did -- work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)

1[] Yes (Mark "Wa" box, then 2)
2[] No

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business?

1[] Yes (Mark "Wb" box, then 2)
2[] No (4)

Refer to "Age" and "Wa/Wb" boxes in C1.

0[] Under 18 (NP)
1[] Wa box marked (6a)
2[] Wb box marked (5a)
3[] Neither box marked (5b)

5a. Earlier you said that -- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes (5c)
2[] No (6b)

b. Earlier you said that -- didn't have a job or business last week or the week before. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job during those 2 weeks?

1[] Yes
2[] No (NP)

c. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking (6c)
2[] Layoff (6b)
3[] Both (6b)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1[] Y (7)
2[] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these past 2 weeks, does -- have a job or business?

1[] Y
2[] N

c. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Y
2[] N (7)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] looking
2[] layoff
3[] both

Ask for all person with a "Yes" in 6a, b or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before -- not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
[] 1 Y (7)
[] 2 N

b. Even though -- did not work during these past 2 weeks, does -- have a job or business?

[] 1 Y
[] 2 N

c. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?

[] 1 Y
[] 2 N (7)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?

[] 1 Looking
[] 2 Layoff
[] 3 Both

If "N" in 6a, and 6b, then Question 7 applies to person's LAST job either full-time or part-time. Include military jobs.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
6 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (7)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (7)

d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 6a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 6c only, questions 7a through 7e apply to this person's last full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
If 17 years old or over, ask:

36a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before -- (For females): not counting work around the house?

[] Under 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (37a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (37)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 36a, b, or c.

If "Yes" in 36c only, questions 37a through 37d apply to this person's LAST full--time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

43a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before -- (For females): not counting work around the house?
1 [] Y (44a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Y
2 [] N (Omit 43d)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 43a, b, or c.

If "Yes" in 43c only, questions 44a through 44d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

43a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before -- (For females): not counting work around the house?
1 [] Y (44a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Y
2 [] N (Omit 43d)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 43a, b, or c.

If "Yes" in 43c only, questions 44a through 44d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

Ask for all persons 17 years old or over

36 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - (For females): not counting work around the house?
[] Und. 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (37a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Y
2 [] N (Omit 36d)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

If "Yes" in 36c only, questions 37a through 37d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 36a, b, or c.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

Ask for all persons 17 years old or over

36 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - (For females): not counting work around the house?
[] Und. 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (37a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Y
2 [] N (Omit 36d)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

If "Yes" in 36c only, questions 37a through 37d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 36a, b, or c.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image

Ask for all persons 17 years old or over

36 a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - (For females): not counting work around the house?
[] Und. 17 (NP)
1 [] Y (37a)
2 [] N

b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Y
2 [] N (Omit 36d)

d. Which -- looking for work or on layoff from a job?
1 [] Looking
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both

If "Yes" in 36c only, questions 37a through 37d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.

Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 36a, b, or c.

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Ask for all persons 17 years old or over:
36a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before? For females add: Not counting work around the house.

1[] Yes- go to 37a
[] No -ask both b and c

b. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?

2[] Yes- ask c
4[] No-ask c

c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?

[] Yes -ask d
[] No-omit a

d. Which --looking for work or on layoff from a job?

1[] Looking
2[] Layoff
3[] Both


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No questionnaire text is available for this sample.


No questionnaire text is available for this sample.


No questionnaire text is available for this sample.