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Eating habits that reduce cancer risk: Take vitamins

Survey Text

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HAND CARD F2. Read each category if telephone interview.
1. Eating more fiber
2. Eating less sugar
3. Avoiding foods with additives
4. Eating less fat
5. Eating less salt
6. Eating more fruit and vegetables
7. Taking vitamins
8. None of these changes would be helpful

6. Which of these would be helpful if a person wanted to reduce his or her chances of getting certain kinds of cancer?
(Please give me the numbers from the card.)
Mark each that applies.

1[] Eating more fiber
2[] Eating less sugar
3[] Avoiding foods with additives
4[] Eating less fat
5[] Eating less salt
6[] Eating more fruit and vegetables
7[] Taking vitamins
0[] None of these changes would be helpful
9[] Don't know