Codes and Frequencies
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EDUCREC2 is a recoded combination of two other variables, HIGRADE2 and EDUC, which measure educational attainment in different ways. HIGRADE2, available for 1968-1996, reports the respondent's highest grade of school or year of college completed, in intervals (e.g., grouping together grades 1 through 4). EDUC, available beginning in 1997, classifies high school graduates according to their highest degree or diploma obtained. In EDUCREC2, the HIGRADE2 categories are given the same codes as their approximate equivalents in EDUC.
This variable is comparable over time.
EDUCREC2 provides data in intervalled form to accommodate data on years of completed schooling reported in intervals, rather than single years, for 1968-1981. Researchers interested only the period from 1982 forward should use EDUCREC1, which provides a bridge between EDUC and HIGRADE1, for the period when years of completed schooling are reported in single years.
- 1963-1981: Persons age 17+.
- 1982-2018: Persons age 5+.
- 1963-2018
- 1963-2018 : PERWEIGHT
