Survey Text

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Question ID: PRV.0340.00.3
Variable: CERVICNOT1_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question text:
What is the MAIN REASON that you have ^never5yearsPAPHPV?
Do not read choices, select answer category based on respondent's answer.
Description: NEVER had a test to check for cervical cancer/NOT had a test to check for cervical cancer in the last 5 years
If CERVICEV1_A=2 fill "NEVER had a test to check for cervical cancer"
If CERVICEV1_A=1 and CERVICWHEN_A IN (5,6) fill: "NOT had
a test to check for cervical cancer in the last 5 years"
1 - No reason/never thought about it
2 - Didn't need it/didn't know I needed this type of test
3 - Doctor didn't order it/didn't say I needed it
4 - Haven't had any problems
5 - Put it off/didn't get around to it
6 - Too expensive/no insurance/cost
7 - Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing
8 - Had hysterectomy
9 - Don't have a doctor
10 - Had HPV vaccine
11 - I am too old
12 - I am too young
13 - Other
97 - Refused
99 - Don't Know
Female Sample Adults 18+ who never had a cervical cancer test or had their last cervical cancer test more than 5 years ago
Skip Instructions:
1-7,9-13,RF,DK [goto HYSTEV1_A]
8 if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 30 [goto MAMEV_A]
elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 30 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) [goto next section]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: PRV.0340.00.3
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content

Question Text:

What is the MAIN REASON that you have ^never5yearsPAPHPV?

Do not read choices, select answer category based on respondent's answer.

Description: NEVER had a test to check for cervical cancer/NOT had a test to check for cervical cancer in the last 5 years
Instruction: If CERVICEV_A=2 fill "NEVER had a test to check for cervical cancer"
If CERVICEV_A=1 and CERVICWHEN_A IN (5,6) fill: "NOT had a
test to check for cervical cancer in the last 5 years"
01 No reason/never thought about it
02 Didn't need it/didn't know I needed this type of test
03 Doctor didn't order it/didn't say I needed it
04 Haven't had any problems
05 Put it off/didn't get around to it
06 Too expensive/no insurance/cost
07 Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing
08 Had hysterectomy
09 Do not have a doctor
10 Had HPV vaccine
11 Other
97 Refused
99 Do not Know
Female Sample Adults who never had a cervical cancer test or had their last cervical cancer test more than 5 years ago.
Skip Instructions:
1-7,9-11,RF,DK = [goto HYSTEV_A]
8 = if GEN.AGE_FINAL ge 30 [goto MAMEV_A]
elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL lt 30 or GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (DK,RF) [goto next section]