Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | No | X |
2 | Yes | X |
9 | Unknown | X |
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For sample adults age 55 and over, COLRBLINDNOW indicates if the respondent was color blind at the time of the interview. The 1984 Field Representative's Manual described now as "present at any time during the past 2 weeks through the last Sunday before the interview." The Manual did not provide a definition for color blindness and the term was respondent defined.
This variable was part of the 1984 Supplement on Aging. As part of the Supplement on Aging, respondents were also asked if they had or ever had hearing, heart, and bone conditions and other impairments.
Related Variables
Along with COLRBLINDNOW, respondents were asked if they now had any of 5 other eye conditions and could indicate as many as necessary.
[show more]These include:
- CATARACTNOW now have cataracts
- GLAUCOMANOWnow have glaucoma
- BLINDEYEnow have blindness in one or both eyes
- RETINADETNOWnow have detached retina or other retina condition
- VDIF now have trouble seeing even with glasses
- 1984: Sample persons age 55+.
- 1984
