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Filtered or unfiltered cigarette smoked

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For sample persons age 17 and over who ever smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who smoke now, this variable indicates if the person smoked filtered or unfiltered cigarettes.


The Field Representative's Manual noted that non-filter cigarettes smoked with a separate filter should be counted as filtered cigarettes. It also noted that when a person smoked both types, interviewers should indicate the type the person usually smoked or preferred.

In the 1970 survey, a respondent representing the family (a proxy) could answer the question associated with CIGFILTER for all other family members over age 17. As self-report is typically more accurate than proxy report, researchers may want to indicate this caveat when analyzing the data or interpreting results.


This variable is comparable over time.


  • 1970: Persons age 17+ who smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their entire lives and who smoke now.
  • 1978; 1980: Sample persons age 17+ in quarters 3 and 4 who ever smoked 100 cigarettes in their entire lives, who ever smoked regularly, and who smoke now or who do not smoke now but stopped smoking regularly less than 1 year ago.
  • 1979: Sample persons age 17+ who ever smoked 100 cigarettes in their entire lives, who ever smoked regularly, and who smoke now or who do not smoke now but stopped smoking regularly less than 1 year ago.


  • 1970, 1978-1980
