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Received cancer treatment in last 12 months

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CANTREATYR indicates if the sample person received cancer treatment in the last 12 months. This inquiry was directed at sample persons age 18 years and older who were ever told they had cancer (CANCEREV) and received either surgery (CANTREATSURG), radiation (CANTREATRAD), chemotherapy (CANTREATCHEM), hormonal treatment (CANTREATHORM), bone marrow or stem cell transplant (CANTREATMARO), or some other type of treatment (CANTREATOTH).


The sample person was told not to include long-term hormonal treatments such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer. The field representative's manual defines tamoxifen as "a drug to treat certain types of breast cancer in women and men. It is also used to prevent breast cancer in women who have ductal carcinoma in situ...and in women who are at a high risk of developing breast cancer". It also goes onto define aromatase inhibitor as "a drug that prevents the formation of interfering with an aromatase enzyme".

For a full list of possible treatments asked about in 2010 and 1992 see CANTREATSURG.


There are no comparability problems with CANTREATYR.


  • 2010: Sample adults age 18+ who received some kind of treatment to treat their only or most recent cancer.


  • 2010
