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Behavior Index: Child is high strung

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For sample children ages 4-17 (in 1981) or 5-17 (in 1988), BPHISTRUNG indicates how frequently it was true that the sample child was high strung, tense, or nervous in the past 3 months; response categories include often true, sometimes true, or not true.

This variable is from the child health supplement; beginning in 1981, this supplement includes a 32-item behavioral problem index. These questions are used to generate individual behavioral problem indexes and an overall behavioral problem index. For more information on the behavioral problem index variables, please see BPANTSY, or use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus.


The universe for the Behavior Problems Index questions differs slightly between years. In 1981, the questions were asked about sample children 4 years of age and older. In 1988, the questions were asked about sample children 5 years of age and older.


  • 1981: Sample persons age 4 to 17.
  • 1988: Sample persons age 5-17.


  • 1981, 1988
