Reason for HIV test, next 12 months: Blood donation
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X | X | X | X |
1 | No | X | X | X | X | X |
2 | Yes | X | X | X | X | X |
6 | Plan test, why unknown | · | · | · | X | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | · | · | · | X | · |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | X | X | X | X | X |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons ages 18 and over who expect to have a blood test for the AIDS virus infection in the next twelve months, ATRNYBLOD reports if the respondent expects to have the blood test as part of a blood donation.
- 1988: Sample persons age 18+in quarters 2 through 4 who have heard of blood test for AIDS virus infection and expect to have blood test for AIDS in next 12 months.
- 1989-1990: Sample persons age 18+ who have heard of blood test for AIDS virus infection and expect to have blood test for AIDS in next 12 months.
- 1991: Sample persons age 18+ who expect to have blood test for AIDS in next 12 months.
- 1992: Half of sample persons age 18+ who expect to have blood test for AIDS in next 12 months.
- 1988-1992
Survey Text
1992 |
1991 |
1990 |
1989 |
1988 |
Survey form
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32. I am going to read some reasons people might have the blood test. Tell me if each statement explains why you expect to have the blood test in the next 12 months.
a. Because it will be part of a blood donation.
1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
Survey form
view entire document:
32. I am going to read some reasons people might have the blood test. Tell me if each statement explains why you expect to have the blood test in the next 12 months.
a. Because it will be part of a blood donation.
1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
Survey form
view entire document:
31. These are some reasons people might have the blood test. Tell me which of these statements explain why you will have the blood test.
b. As part of a blood donation
1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
Survey form
view entire document:
42. Will you have the blood test--
a. as part of a blood donation?
1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
- 1988-1992 : SUPP1WT