Survey Text

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27a. Did you tell ANYONE the results of your (last) test for the AIDS virus infection?

1 [] Yes (27b)
2 [] No (28)
9 [] DK (28)

HAND CARD E. Read categories if telephone interview.

0. Spouse
1. Fiancée
2. Sex partner other than spouse or fiancée
3. Health professional
4. Friend
5. Clergy/minister/pastor/priest/rabbi
6. Employer
7. Other relative
8. Other (Please specify what other person)

b. To whom did you tell the results?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) each that applies.

0 [] Spouse
1 [] Fiancée
2 [] Sex partner, other than spouse or fiancée
3 [] Health professional
4 [] Friend
5 [] Clergy/minister/pastor/priest/rabbi
6 [] Employer
7 [] Other relative
8 [] Other - Specify - ____
9 [] DK/Refused