Survey Text

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Hand calendar.
2. During the past 2 weeks (outlined on that calendar), beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date), on how many days did you drink any alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, or liquor?

00[] None/never (4)
Days [number] ____ (3)
14[] Everyday (3)
99[] DK (3)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
2. In the past 2 weeks (outlined on that calendar), beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date), on how many days did you drink any alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
Use list to probe, if necessary.

[] None/Never (4)
[] 1
[] 1-2
[] 2
[] 2-3
[] 3
[] 3-4
[] 4
[] 4-5
[] 5
[] 5-6
[] 6
[] 6-7
[] 7
[] 7-8
[] 8
[] 8-9
[] 9
[] 9-10
[] 10
[] 10-11
[] 11
[] 11-12
[] 12
[] 12-13
[] 13
[] 13-14
[] 14 (Every day)
[] DK

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
I have asked you about beer, wine, and liquor separately. Now I want you to think about them combined.
7. During the 2-week period (outlined on that calendar/beginning Monday, (date) and ending Sunday (date)), on how many days altogether did you drink alcoholic beverages, that is, beer, or wine, or liquor?

Days ____ (8)
01[] One day only (9)

I have asked you about beer, wine and liquor separately. Now I want you to think about them combined.
13. Still thinking about the same 2-week period, on how many days altogether did you drink alcoholic beverages, that is, beer, wine, or liquor?

01[] One day only
Days ____

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
2. In the past 2 WEEKS (outlined on that calendar), beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date), on how many days did you drink any alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
Use list to probe if necessary.

01 [] 14 (Every day)
02 [] 13-14
03 [] 13 14
04 [] 12-13
05 [] 12
06 [] 11-12
07 [] 11
08 [] 10-11
09 [] 10
10 [] 9-10
11 [] 9
12 [] 8-9
13 [] 8
14 [] 7-8
15 [] 7
16 [] 6-7
17 [] 6
18 [] 5-6
19 [] 5
20 [] 4-5
21 [] 4
22 [] 3-4
23 [] 3
24 [] 2-3
25 [] 2
26 [] 1-2
27 [] 1
00 [] None/Never (4)
99 [] DK

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
I have asked you about beer, wine, and liquor separately. Now I want you to think about them combined.
14. During the 2-week period [outlined on that calendar/beginning Monday, (date) and ending Sunday (date)], on how many days altogether did you drink alcoholic beverages, that is, beer, or wine, or liquor?

Days ____ (15)
01[] One day only (16)
Refer to 17a, 18a, and 19a.

1[] Only one beverage type (21)
2[] 14 days in 17a, 18a, or 19a (21)
8[] Other (20)

Read to respondent:
I have asked you about beer, wine and liquor separately. Now I want you to think about them combined.
20. During the 2-week period ending with and including the day you had your last drink, on how many days altogether did you drink alcoholic beverages, that is, beer, or wine, or liquor?

Days ____