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Likelihood of getting AIDS while donating blood

Codes and Frequencies

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For sample persons age 18 and older in 1993-1995, and, in 1987, sample persons age 18 and older who reported when they last saw, heard, or read something about AIDS or who ever heard of AIDS, AIDGIVBLOD indicates how likely the person thinks it is that a person will get the AIDS virus while giving a blood donation to a blood bank.

This variable is part of the NHIS supplement on AIDS knowledge and attitudes. For related variables, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus


Response categories changed slightly over time. In 1993, only three response options were given: very likely, somewhat likely, and not at all likely. In all other years, the following response options were given: very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely, and definitely not possible.

Changes in survey design (e.g., quarters in which the supplement was collected) may affect raw frequencies, but do not affect comparability of the variable. As always, data users should use the prescribed IHIS weights.


  • 1987: Sample persons age 18+ in quarter 3 (5th week) and quarter 4 who reported when they last saw, heard, or read something about AIDS or who ever heard of AIDS.
  • 1993: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 3 and 4 (excluded from Y2K supplement).
  • 1994-1995: Half of sample persons age 18+ (excluded from Y2K supplement).


  • 1987, 1993-1995
