Codes and Frequencies
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For all households, ONEFAMFLAG reports if all people in the household are in the same family.
With the 2019 redesign, there is no longer a sampling weight to produce household population estimates. See the user note on the calculation and use of sampling weights for additional information.
According to the 2020 Survey Description, for some variables, including ONEFAMFLG, the 2020 responses of sample adults that were part of the 2020 longitudinal sample were overwritten with their 2019 responses "to mitigate disclosure risks associated with differences in response from repeated measures among the same Sample Adults" (33). The sample adults' actual 2020 responses can be accessed through a Research Data Center (RDC). For more information on the 2020 longitudinal sample, please see SALNGPRTFLG.
- 2019-2023: All households.
- 2019-2023

- No weights are available for this variable. Please refer to ONEFAMFLAG for more information.