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Health professional advised quit smking/using otr kinds of tob in past 12 m, dentist

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For sample adults aged 18 and older whose doctor or other health professional advised them to quit smoking or using other kinds of tobacco in the past 12 months, MDSMQDENT reports if a dentist ever advised the respondent to stop smoking.

Related Variables 

  • MDSMQUITEV: Health professional advised quit smoking/using other kinds of tobacco in past 12 m, doctor
  • MDSMQDNUR: Health professional advised quit smoking/using other kinds of tobacco in past 12 m, nurse
  • MDSMQDENTHY: Health professional advised quit smoking/using other kinds of tobacco in past 12 m, dental hygienist
  • MDSMQOTRHLT: Health professional advised quit smoking/using other kinds of tobacco in past 12 m, other health professionals


The set of individuals who were asked this question changed over time. In 2010, this question was asked of sample adults who had seen a doctor or other health professional in the past year; were current smokers or former smokers who had recently quit (within the past 12 months); and now or formerly had smoked cigars, used snuff, or chewed tobacco. In 2015, this question was also asked of sample adults who now or formerly had used e-cigarettes, hookahs, and/or other forms of smokeless tobacco, including dip, snus, and dissolvable tobacco.


  • 2010: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a doctor or other health professional in the past year and are current smokers or former smokers who have quit in the past 12 months or who currently smoke cigars, use snuff, or chew tobacco every day or some days
  • 2015: Sample adults 18+ whose doctor or other health professional advised them to quit smoking or using other kinds of tobacco in the past 12 months


  • 2010, 2015
