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Class of worker at the time repeated activities that caused back pain happened

Survey Text

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Complete from entries in 6b--e. If not clear, ask:
f. Were you --
An employee of private company, -business, or individual for wages, salary or commission? .... P
A member of the armed forces? .... AF
A federal government employee? .... F
A state government employee? .... S
A local government employee? .... L
Self-employed in own business, professional practice or farm?
Ask: Is the business incorporated?
Yes .... I
No .... SE
Working without pay in family business or farm? ....WP

Class of worker
1 [] P (8)
2 [] AF (8)
3 [] F (8)
4 [] S (8)
5 [] L (8)
6 [] I (8)
7 [] SE (8)
8 [] WP (8)