Detailed industry classification of job where repeated activities that caused back pain happened
BPRACTIND is a 2-digit numeric variable.
00: Not in Universe
Please refer to the Industry Classification Codes for more detailed information on all reported industries.
For sample persons aged 18 and older who worked last year at a civilian job and who had back pain every day for at least 1 week last year that was caused by repeated activities performed at work, BPRACTIND reports the industry classification for the person's job where the repeated activities that caused his/her back pain were performed.
This variable was included in the 1988 Occupational Health supplement.
- 1988: Sample persons aged 18+ who worked last year at a civilian job and who had back pain for at least 1 week last year as a result of repeated activities at work
- 1988
Survey Text
1988 |
Survey form
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b. For whom did you work?
Enter name of company, business, organization, or other employer.
Enter name of company, business, organization, or other employer.
Employer ____
932[] Armed Forces -- Civilian (6d)
942[] Armed Forces -- Active duty (6d)
932[] Armed Forces -- Civilian (6d)
942[] Armed Forces -- Active duty (6d)
c. What kind of business or industry is this?
For example, TV and radio manufacturing, retail shoe store, State Labor Department, farm.
Industry ____
- 1988 : SUPP2WT