Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | Never drank | X |
2 | Very light or occasional | X |
3 | Light | X |
4 | Moderate | X |
5 | Heavy | X |
6 | Former drinker | X |
9 | Unknown | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons ages 18 and over who live with at least three other adult family members, DRINKADULT3 is a proxy report by the sample person of the drinking status for the third household adult. Other characteristics of this adult can be linked using the person number reported in PXADULT3 to create the household adult's unique identifier. The person was able to report the past year drinking status of up to six adult household members.
This question is part of the 1988 Alcohol supplement. Please use drop down menus for related variables.
- 1988: Sample persons ages 18 and over who lived with at least three other adult family members.
- 1988
Survey Text
1988 |
If personal interview -- hand Card O2 and read first alternative wording.
Card O2
2. Moderate
3. Light
4. Very light or occasional
5. Quit drinking
6. Never drank
If telephone interview -- read second alternative wording and the list of answer categories.
9a. Please look at this card and tell me which number best describes -- drinking during the past year. Or I am going to read a list of different drinking categories, please tell me which one best describes -- drinking in the past year.
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
b. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
c. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
d. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
e. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
f. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
Refer to Table B on the Cover Page and ask for each person listed except the sample person.
If personal interview -- Hand Card O2 and read first alternative wording.
Card O2
2. Moderate
3. Light
4. Very light or occasional
5. Quit drinking
6. Never drank
If telephone interview -- read second alternative wording and the list of answer categories.
13a. Please look at this card and tell me which number best describes --drinking during the past year. Or I am going to read a list of different drinking categories, please tell me which one best describes -- drinking in the past year.
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
b. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
c. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
d. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
e. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
f. What about -- drinking?
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
Refer to Table B on the Cover Page and ask for each person listed except the sample person.
If personal interview -- hand Card O2 and read first alternative wording.
Card O2
2. Moderate
3. Light
4. Very light or occasional
5. Quit drinking
6. Never drank
If telephone interview -- read second alternative wording and the list of answer categories.
28a. Please look at this card and tell me which number best describes -- drinking during the past year.
I am going to read a list of different drinking categories, please tell me which best describes -- drinking in the past year.
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
b. What about -- drinking?
[option for 5 entries [b-f], for different sample adults in the household/family, in the original document not presented here]
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
Refer to table B on the Cover Page and ask for each person listed except the sample person.
If personal interview -- hand Card O2 and read first alternative wording.
Card O2
2. Moderate
3. Light
4. Very light or occasional
5. Quit drinking
6. Never drank
If telephone interview -- read second alternative wording and the list of answer categories.
14a. Please look at this card and tell me which number best describes -- drinking during the past year.
I am going to read a list of different drinking categories, please tell me which one best describes -- drinking in the past year.
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK
b. What about -- drinking?
[option for 6 entries, (b-f) for different household/family member, in the original document not presented here]
1[] Heavy
2[] Moderate
3[] Light
4[] Very light or occasional
5[] Quit drinking
6[] Never drank
9[] DK