Recode of interval between mumps shot and Sunday night of interview
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU | X |
01 | Interview week | X |
02 | Last week | X |
03 | Week before | X |
04 | 2 weeks before | X |
05 | 3 weeks before | X |
06 | 4 weeks before | X |
07 | 5 weeks before | X |
08 | 6 weeks before | X |
09 | 7+ weeks before | X |
97 | Unknown-refused | · |
98 | Unknown-not ascertained | · |
99 | Unknown-don't know | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons under 17 years of age who received a mumps shot, IMRMUMITVLR reports the record of interval between mumps shot and Sunday night of interview week (IMRNUMVALS). This is a variable generated by NHIS.
Please use the IPUMS NHIS drop down menu and search functions for related variables.
- 1978: Sample persons under 17 years of age who received a mumps shot
- 1978
- 1978 : SUPP1WT
