IRYEAR is a 4-digit-numeric variable.
0: Not in Universe
9999: Don't know
For all injury/poisoning episodes, IRYEAR is an injury-level variable that reports the calendar year in which the injury or poisoning episode occurred. The IPUMS NHIS variable IRMONTH gives the reported month of the injury or poisoning; the NHIS-recoded variable IRDAY gives the day of the week on which the injury or poisoning episode occurred.
IRYEAR is part of a series of variables initiated in 1997 that systematically report persons' injuries and poisonings, the cause, what the person was doing while sustaining the injury or poisoning, and where she/he was at the time of the injury or poisoning. For related variables and additional information, please see the User Note on Injuries and Poisonings or use the IHIS search function and drop-down menus.
There are no comparability issues.
Prior to 2000, persons were asked about injuries and poisonings separately. To improve comparability across samples, IHIS integrated all episode level data as a single record type. Episodes that were originally released by NHIS in the poisoning files for 1997-1999 can be identified using the variable IRPOISYN.
- 1997-2013; 2014 2015 2016 2017: All injury and poisioning episodes.
- 1997-2017

- 1997-2017 : PERWEIGHT