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Number of days had swallowing problems in past year

Survey Text

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Question ID: ACD.080_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: VSLSWDYS
How many days in the past year did you have problems swallowing?
*Enter '7' for one week.
*Enter '30' for one month.
*Enter '365' for one year.
001-365 1-365
997 Refused
999 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who had a swallowing problem in the past 12 months
(1-6,R) [cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable; else if VSLLGDYS, VSLLGDYS not applicable and VSLVDYS=1-6,R,? ? goto VSLINTYR else if VSLLGDYS, VSLLGDYS not applicable and VSLVDYS=D, goto VSLV1WK; else goto VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE, VSLLGAGE series]
(D) [cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable; else goto 1WK series (VSLSW1WK)]
(7-365) cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable then [goto VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE VSLLGAGE series]