Number of days had swallowing problems in past year
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
000 | NIU | X |
997 | Unknown - refused | X |
998 | Unknown - not ascertained | X |
999 | Unknown - don't know | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults ages 18 and older who had a swallowing problem in the past 12 months, VSLSWDAYS reports the number of days the person had that problem in the past year.
VSLSWDAYS is part of the Adult Voice, Speech and Language Supplement. For related variables and more information, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function and drop-down menus, or see VSLDIAG, which reports on diagnosis, VSLVDAYS, which reports on the problem duration and extent, and VSLVSLPYR, which reports on treatment.
- 2012: Sample adults 18+ who had a swallowing problem in the past 12 months
- 2012
Survey Text
2012 |
Survey form
view entire document:
Question ID: ACD.080_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: VSLSWDYS
How many days in the past year did you have problems swallowing?
*Enter '7' for one week.
*Enter '30' for one month.
*Enter '365' for one year.
*Enter '7' for one week.
*Enter '30' for one month.
*Enter '365' for one year.
001-365 1-365
997 Refused
999 Don't know
997 Refused
999 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who had a swallowing problem in the past 12 months
(1-6,R) [cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable; else if VSLLGDYS, VSLLGDYS not applicable and VSLVDYS=1-6,R,? ? goto VSLINTYR else if VSLLGDYS, VSLLGDYS not applicable and VSLVDYS=D, goto VSLV1WK; else goto VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE, VSLLGAGE series]
(D) [cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable; else goto 1WK series (VSLSW1WK)]
(7-365) cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable then [goto VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE VSLLGAGE series]
(D) [cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable; else goto 1WK series (VSLSW1WK)]
(7-365) cycle through VSLSPDYS, VSLLGDYS if applicable then [goto VSLVAGE, VSLSWAGE, VSLSPAGE VSLLGAGE series]