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One of two risks most responsible for cancer: Sun exposure

Survey Text

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If two or fewer responses in 1a, mark 1b without asking and skip to 2.
b. In your opinion, of the things you just mentioned which TWO are responsible for the MOST cases of cancer in this country?

1 [] Stress
1 [] Inherited make-up or heredity
1 [] Exposure to x-rays
1 [] Poor eating practices
1 [] Using chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes or cigars
1 [] Air pollution
1 [] Water pollution
1 [] Some cloth dyes
1 [] Exposure to toxic waste dumps
1 [] Exposure to toxic substances on the job
1 [] Exposure to people with cancer
1 [] Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages
1 [] Exposure to the sun
1 [] Cigarette smoking
1 [] Exposure to nuclear waste
1 [] Some strong soaps and detergents
1 [] Viruses
1 [] Some medicines
1 [] Medical procedures using radiation
1 [] DK