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Ever had regular headaches, other than migraines

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For sample adults age 18 and over, this variable reports if respondents ever had regular headaches, other than migraines. The term "regular headache" was respondent defined, and the condition did not have to be diagnosed by a health professional.

Related Variables

Similar variables are found in the survey.


These include:

MIGRAIN3MO, had severe headaches or migraines in the past 3 months (available for 1997-2009), and MIGRAINEV, migraine headaches (2008 only).

Similar variables available for sample children age 3 to 17 years are FHEADYR, had frequent headaches or migraines in the past 12 months (2008 only); and HEADACHEYR, had non-migraine headache in the past 12 months (2007 only).


This variable has no comparability issues.


  • 2008: Sample adults age 18+.


  • 2008
