Codes and Frequencies
For persons age 18 and over GALSGBT12 is a recoded variable indicating if the respondent had gallstones or gallbladder trouble in the past 12 months. GALSGBT is based on response to the variables GALS12, had gallstones in the past 12 months, as well as GALOTT12 , if they had gallbladder trouble in the past year.
The Supplement on Digestive Disorders had 3 sections. The first section asked about specific conditions , such gallstones, ulcers or colon or bowel conditions, as well as treatment of these conditions. The second section in the Digestive Disorder Supplement asked about abdominal pain (such as ABPAIN3XYR, had abdominal pain 3 or more times, past 12 months). The third was on normative bowel functions, which such as ABGASTRUBYR, had trouble with abdominal gas in the past 12 months.
Other variables for gallbladder trouble and gallstones are included in the 1989 survey.
These include:
- GALBT ever had non-gallstone gallbladder trouble
- GALSEV ever had gallstones
- GALSGBT ever gallstones or gallbladder trouble: Recode
- GBDIAGTIM time since gallbladder trouble diagnosed
- GBSURGEV ever had gallbladder surgery
- GBSURGTIM time since last had gallbladder surgery
- GBDIAG gallstones or gallbladder trouble medically diagnosed (see this variable for type of diagnostic tests)
Questions on gallbladder problems were part of the 1989 survey
Variables for these other conditions include:
- DIVEV ever had diverticulitis
- ULCEREV ever had an ulcer
- SPASCEV ever had spastic colon
- SPASCEV ever had spastic colon
- IRCOLEV ever had irritable colon
- OSBCONEV ever had similar bowel condition
- BOWELIRREV ever had irritable bowel syndrome
- 1989: Sample persons age 18+.
- 1989
- 1989 : SUPP2WT