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Ashamed if self/family diagnosed with TB

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For sample adults who responded, "Yes" to the question, "Have you ever heard of tuberculosis?" (TBHEARD) and who responded, "Already have TB," when asked "What are your chances of getting TB? Would you say high, medium, low, or none"( TBCHANCE), TBSHAME indicates whether they would feel ashamed or embarrassed if a member of their family were diagnosed with tuberculosis.

For sample adults who responded, "Yes" to the question, "Have you ever heard of tuberculosis?" (TBHEARD) and who did not respond, "Already have TB," when asked "What are your chances of getting TB? Would you say high, medium, low, or none" (TBCHANCE), TBSHAME indicates whether they would feel ashamed or embarrassed if they or a member of their family were diagnosed with tuberculosis.


TBSHAME is completely comparable across survey years.


  • 2000-2010: Sample adults age 18+ who had heard of TB and reported the amount they knew about TB.


  • 2000-2010
