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Received treatment or help for difficulties

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For sample children age 4-17, DIFTRETEV reports parents' responses to the question, "Has [sample child] EVER received ANY treatment or help (other than medication) for difficulties with [his/her] emotions, concentration, behavior or being able to get along with others?"

The Field Representative's Manuals for 2005 forward clarified the meaning of this question as follows:

If the respondent says that the Sample Child received medication for problems with emotions, concentration, behavior, or being able to get along with others in a previous question, this question is asking if there is any other type of treatment the child has received, such as counseling.
Related Variables 

Parents with an affirmative response in DIFTRETEV received the following additional questions about the child's non-pharmacologic treatment/help:

  • When was the MOST RECENT help or treatment received? (DIFTRETWHEN)
  • Was any of this treatment or help received from any of the following?
  • A pediatric or general medical care practice (TRETGENERAL)

All of these questions were part of a series of questions about emotional/behavioral difficulties included in the Child Mental Health Services (CMS) Questionnaire. According to the Field Representative's Manuals for 2005 forward, the purpose of the CMS Questionnaire "is to identify the Sample Child's interaction with health professionals or school staff personnel related to emotional or behavioral problems." For a summary of the various elements of the Child Mental Health Services Questionnaire and the variables based upon this instrument, see DIFTOLDDR.


DIFTRETEV is completely comparable over time.


  • 2005-2007: Sample children age 4 to 17.


  • 2005-2007
