Codes and Frequencies
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For sample adults who have had at least one drink in their entire life (ALCDRINKEV), ALCDAYSYR reports the number of days per year during the past year that they drank alcoholic beverages. Please refer to the universe tab for more information on the universe for ALCDAYSWK before 2020. ALCDAYSWK draws on information from ALCANYNOE and ALCANYTPE to create a recode of the number of days per week.
Beginning in 2020, ALCDAYSYR is collected as part of the rotating core of NHIS alcohol use questions, fielded every other year. For more information about the NHIS alcohol use rotating core, please see ALCDRINKEV.
Data Collection and Recoding[show more]
Interviewers began the section of the survey on alcohol by stating, "These next questions are about drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol includes beer, wine, wine coolers, liquors such as vodka, whiskey or rum, mixed drinks or cocktails with alcohol, and any other type of alcoholic drink." After asking whether the person has had at least one drink of any kind of alcohol in their entire life, they then asked, "During the past 12 months, how many days per week, per month or per year did you drink any type of alcoholic beverage?" Respondents could frame an answer using various time units (e.g., "5 times a week," "once a month," "10 times a year"), and the interviewer recorded the number stated and the time period that fit the answer (i.e., "Never/None," "Week," "Month," or "Year"). For the original NHIS public use files, the National Center for Health Statistics recoded these data in terms of days per week (for ALCDAYSWK), in terms of days per month (for ALCDAYSMO), and in terms of days per year (for ALCDAYSYR).
The effect of reporting in time periods shorter than a year (i.e., times per week or per month) is evident in digit clustering in the frequencies for ALCDAYSYR. There is strong clustering of responses in codes that are multiples of 12, corresponding to responses given in terms of times per month. Users should, therefore, be wary of treating ALCDAYSYR as a simple interval variable.
The Field Representative's Manual for 1997-2018 directed interviewers to "always probe for an exact number. If the sample adult reports a range or interval, assist the sample adult in making an estimate by probing. For example, you might ask, 'Could you give me a more exact number?'" To the same end, in 2000-2018, the survey instrument instructed interviewers, "If necessary, prompt with 'How many days per week, per month, or per year did you drink?'"
Questionnaire design changes introduced in 2019 limit comparability with earlier years. The NHIS questionnaire was substantially redesigned in 2019 to introduce a different data collection structure and new content. For more information on changes in terminology, universes, and data collection methods beginning in 2019, please see the user note.
- 1997-2018: Sample adults age 18+ who have had at least 12 drinks in any one year or at least 12 drinks in entire life.
- 2020 2022: Sample adults 18+ who have had at least one drink in their entire life (ALCDRINKEV).
- 1997-2018, 2020, 2022
- 1997-2018, 2020, 2022 : SAMPWEIGHT
