Codes and Frequencies
For sample adults age 18 and older who use equipment or receive help with walking, climbing steps, or moving around, but who do not use a wheelchair or scooter, WALKDIF12ST2 reports the level of difficulty she/he faces (if any) when walking up or down 12 steps even when using her/his aids.
This variable was first introduced in 2010 as part of the Quality of Life supplement. For related variables, please use the IPUMS NHIS search function or drop-down menus.
- 2010: One quarter of sample adults, included in quality of life supplement (and excluded from family disability supplement), who use equipment or receive help with walking, climbing steps, or moving around but do not use a wheelchair.
- 2011: Sample adults 18+ who were selected to receive the Family Disability questions and used equipment or received help with walking, climbing steps, or moving around AND they did not use a wheelchair or scooter.
- 2010-2011
- 2010-2011 : SUPP1WT