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Type of TRICARE coverage

Codes and Frequencies

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For all persons with TRICARE coverage, HITYPTRICARE reports the type of TRICARE coverage (Prime, Extra, Standard, and TRICARE for life).

The Field Representative's Manual for 2004 defined TRICARE as "a regionally managed health care program for active duty and retired members of the uniformed services,
their families, and survivors." TRICARE Standard was the name give to the traditional CHAMPUS (Comprehensive Health and Medical Plan for the Uniformed Services) in 1993.

Question Format for Military Health Care

Beginning in 2004, the response categories on the flashcard changed, so all military health care categories were collapsed into one: "Military health care (TRICARE/VA/CHAMP-VA)." For persons who selected this category, interviewers asked a follow-up question about their type of military health care, with possible choices being TRICARE, VA, CHAMP-VA, or other military coverage. For 2004 forward, HIMILVA identifies those who chose "Has other military health care" and "Has Military health care/VA insurance."

Persons may also have other forms of coverage. Respondents were handed a card, and could pick more than one type of insurance, and interviewers were instructed to mark all that applied.


There are no comparability issues.


  • 2004-2013; 2014: All persons with TRICARE coverage.


  • 2004-2014
