Survey Text

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QuestionID: ALT.401_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_YOG Adult CAM
?[F1] Have you EVER practiced any of the following? Please say yes or no to each....Yoga?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+
(1,2,R,D) [goto YTQE_TAI]
QuestionID: ALT.402_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_TAI Adult CAM
? [F1] *Read if necessary. Have you EVER practiced any of the following? ...Tai Chi (tie-CHEE)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+
(1,2,R,D) [goto YTQE_QIG]
QuestionID: ALT.403_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_QIG Adult CAM
? [F1] *Read if necessary. Have you EVER practiced any of the following? ...Qi Gong (chee-GONG)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+
if (YTQE_YOG or YTQE_TAI or YTQE_QIG)=1 cycle through applicable YTQU questions;
if YTQE_YOG=1 [goto YTQU_YOG] or
if YTQE_TAI=1 [goto YTQU_TAI] or
if YTQE_QIG=1 [goto YTQU_QIG]
Else if (2,R,D) (YTQE_YOG and YTQE_TAI and YTQE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto DITE_VEG]
QuestionID: ALT.404_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_YOG Adult CAM
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Yoga for yourself?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used Yoga
(1,2,R,D) If YTQE_TAI=1 [goto YTQU_TAI] else if YTQE_TAI =2 and YTQE_QIG=1 [goto YTQU_QIG]
(1) If (YTQE_TAI and YTQE_QIG)=2 [goto YTQ_BTHY]
Else (2,R,D) and (YTQE_TAI and YTQE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto DITE_VEG]
QuestionID: ALT.405_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_TAI Adult CAM
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Tai Chi for yourself?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used Tai Chi
(1,2,R,D) if YTQE_QIG=1 [goto YTQU_QIG]; else if (YTQE_QIG=2 and YTQU_YOG=1) [goto YTQ_BTHY]; else if (YTQU_YOG and YTQU_TAI and YTQE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto DITE_VEG]
(1) if (YTQE_QIG and YTQU_YOG)=2 [goto YTQ_BTHT]
QuestionID: ALT.406_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_QIG Adult CAM
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Qi Gong (chee-GONG) for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used Qi Gong
if YTQU_YOG=1 [goto YTQ_BTHY]
Else if YTQU_TAI=1 and YTQU_YOG in (2,R,D) [goto YTQ_BTHT]
Else if YTQU_QIG=1 and (YTQU_YOG and YTQU_TAI) in (2,R,D) [goto YTQ_BTHQ]
(2,R,D) (YTQU_YOG and YTQU_TAI) in (2,R,D) [goto DITE_VEG]
QuestionID: ALT.407_00.010

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_BTHY Adult CAM
?[F1] Did you do breathing exercises as part of Yoga? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Yoga in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) if YTQU_TAI =1 [goto YTQ_BTHT];
Else if YTQU_TAI in (2,R,D) and YTQU_QIG=1 [goto YTQ_BTHQ]
Else if YTQU_YOG=1 and (YTQU_TAI and YTQU_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto YTQ_MEDY]
QuestionID: ALT.408_00.020

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_BTHT Adult CAM
?[F1] Did you do breathing exercises as part of Tai Chi? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Tai Chi in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) if YTQU_QIG =1 [goto YTQ_BTHQ];
Else if YTQU_YOG=1 and YTQU_QIG in (2,R,D) [goto YTQ_MEDY]
Else if (YTQU_YOG and YTQU_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto YTQ_MEDT]
QuestionID: ALT.409_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_BTHQ Adult CAM
?[F1] Did you do breathing exercises as part of Qi Gong (chee-GONG)? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Qi Gong in the past 12 months
If YTQU_YOG =1 [goto YTQ_MEDY]
Else If YTQU_TAI=1 [goto YTQ_MEDT]
Else if YTQU_QIG=1 [goto YTQ_MEDQ]
QuestionID: ALT.410_00.010

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_MEDY Adult CAM
? [F1] Did you do meditation as part of Yoga?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Yoga in the past 12 months
Else if YTQU_QIG=1 and (YTQU_TAI) in (2,R,D)) [goto YTQ_MEDQ]
Else if (YTQ_BTHY or YTQ_MEDY)=1 and (YTQ_BTHT and YTQ_BTHQ) in (2,R,D,'')) fill answer in YTQ_MOST( [goto YTQ_USEM]
(2,R,D) YTQ_BTHY in (2,R,D) and (YTQ_BTHT and YTQ_BTHQ) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto DIT_VEG]
QuestionID: ALT.411_00.020

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_MEDT Adult CAM
? [F1] Did you do meditation as part of Tai Chi?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Tai Chi in the past 12 months
If YTQU_QIG=1 [goto YTQ_MEDQ]else If YTQ_CNT ge 2 [goto YTQ_MOST];
else if YTQ_CNT=1, fill answer in YTQ_MOST( [goto YTQ_USEM]
(2,R,D) (YTQ_BTHT and YTQ_BTHY and YTQ_BTHQ and YTQ_MEDY) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto DIT_VEG]
QuestionID: ALT.412_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_MEDQ Adult CAM
? [F1] Did you do meditation as part of Qi Gong (chee-GONG)?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have used Qi Gong in the past 12 months
If YTQ_CNT ge 2 [goto YTQ_MOST];
else if YTQ_CNT=1, fill answer in YTQ_MOST( [goto YTQ_USEM]
(2,R,D) ( YTQ_BTHY and YTQ_BTHT and YTQ_BTHQ and YTQ_MEDY and YTQ_MEDT) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto DIT_VEG]

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Question ID: CAL.401_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGE_YOG
? [F1] Has [fill: S.C. name] EVER practiced any of the following? Please say yes or no to each. ...Yoga?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+
(1,2,R,D) [goto CYGE_TAI]
Question ID: CAL.402_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGE_TAI
? [F1] *Read if necessary. Has [fill: S.C. name] EVER practiced any of the following?
...Tai Chi (tie-CHEE)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+
(1,2,R,D) [goto CYGE_QIG]
Question ID: CAL.403_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGE_QIG
? [F1] *Read if necessary. Has [fill: S.C. name] EVER practiced any of the following? ...Qi Gong (chee-GONG)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+
If (CYGE_YOG or CYGE_TAI=1 or CYGE_QIG)=1 cycle through applicable CYGU questions;
(1,2,R,D) if CYGE_YOG=1 [goto CYGU_YOG] or if CYGE_TAI=1 [goto CYGU_TAI] or if CYGE_QIG=1 [goto CYGU_QIG]
else if (2,R,D) (CYGE_YOG and CYGE_TAI and CYGE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto CDTE_VEG]
Question ID: CAL.404_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGU_YOG
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did [fill: S.C. name] practice Yoga for [fill: himself/herself]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have ever used Yoga
(1,2,R,D) if CYGE_TAI=1 [goto CYGU_TAI] else if CYGE_TAI=2 and CYGE_QIG=1 [goto CYGU_QIG]
(1) If (CYGE_TAI and CYGE_QIG)=2 [goto CYG_BTHY]
Else (2,R,D) and (CYGE_TAI and CYGE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto CDTE_VEG]
Question ID: CAL.405_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGU_TAI
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did [fill: S.C. name] practice Tai Chi for [fill: himself/herself]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have ever used Tai Chi
(1,2,R,D> if CYGE_QIG=1 [goto CYGU_QIG]; else if (CYGE_QIG=2 and CYGU_YOG=1) [goto CYG_BTHY]; else if (CYGU_YOG and CYGU_TAI and CYGE_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto CDTE_VEG]
(1) if (CYGE_QIG and CYGU_YOG)=2 [goto CYG_BTHT]
Question ID: CAL.406_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYGU_QIG
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did [fill: S.C. name] practice Qi Gong (chee-GONG) for [fill: himself/herself]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have ever used Qi Gong
(1,2,R,D) if CYGU_YOG=1 [goto CYG_BTHY] Else if CYGU_TAI=1 and CYGU_YOG in (2,R,D) [goto CYG_BTHT] Else if CYGU_QIG=1 and (CYGU_YOG and CYGU_TAI) in (2,R,D) [goto CYG_BTHQ]
(2,R,D) (CYGU_YOG and CYGU_TAI) in (2,R,D) [goto CDTE_VEG]
Question ID: CAL.407_00.010

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_BTHY
? [F1] Do you know whether [fill: S.C. name] did breathing exercises as part of Yoga? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Yoga in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) if CYGU_TAI=1 [goto CYG_BTHT]; Else if CYGU_TAI in (2,R,D) and CYGU_QIG=1 [goto CYG_BTHQ] Else if CYGU_YOG=1 and (CYGU_TAI and CYGU_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto CYG_MEDY]
Question ID: CAL.408_00.020

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_BTHT
? [F1] Do you know whether [fill: S.C. name] did breathing exercises as part of Tai Chi? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Tai Chi in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) if CYGU_QIG=1 [goto CYG_BTHQ];
Else if CYGU_YOG=1 and CYGU_QIG in (2,R,D) [goto CYG_MEDY]
Else if (CYGU_YOG and CYGU_QIG) in (2,R,D) [goto CYG_MEDT]
Question ID: CAL.409_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_BTHQ
? [F1] Do you know whether [S.C. name] did breathing exercises as part of Qi Gong (chee-GONG)? Breathing exercises may involve actively controlling the way air is drawn in, or the rate or depth of breathing.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Else if CYGU_TAI=1 [goto CYG_MEDT]
Else if CYGU_QIG=1 [goto CYG_MEDQ]
Question ID: CAL.410_00.010

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_MEDY
? [F1] Did [fill: S.C. name] do meditation as part of Yoga?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Yoga in the past 12 months
Else if CYGU_QIG=1 and (CYGU_TAI) in (2,R,D)) [goto CYG_MEDQ]
Else if (CYG_BTHY or CYG_MEDY)=1 and (CYG_BTHT and CYG_BTHQ) in (2,R,D,''))
fill answer in CYG_MOST [goto CYG_USEM]
(2,R,D) CYG_BTHY in (2,R,D) and (CYG_BTHT and CYG_BTHQ) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto CDTE_VEG]
Question ID: CAL.411_00.020

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_MEDT
? [F1] Did [fill: S.C. name] do meditation as part of Tai Chi?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Tai Chi in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) If CYGU_QIG=1 [goto CYG_MEDQ] else if CYG_CNT ge 2 [goto CYG_MOST];
else if CYG_CNT=1, fill answer in CYG_MOST [goto CYG_USEM]
(2,R,D) (CYG_BTHT and CYG_BTHY and CYG_BTHQ and CYG_MEDY) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto CDTE_VEG]
Question ID: CAL.412_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: CYG_MEDQ
? [F1] Did [fill: S.C. name] do meditation as part of Qi Gong (chee-GONG)?

1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have used Qi Gong in the past 12 months
(1,2,R,D) If CYG_CNT ge 2 [goto CYG_MOST]; else if CYG_CNT=1, fill answer in CYG_MOST [goto CYG_USEM]
(2,R,D) (CYG_BTHY and CYG_BTHT and CYG_BTHQ and CYG_MEDY and CYG_MEDT) in (2,R,D,'')) [goto CDTE_VEG]

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Question ID: : ALT.852_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_YOG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Yoga for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Yoga
Skip Instructions:
Question ID: : ALT.854_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_TAI
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Tai Chi for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Tai Chi
Skip Instructions:
Question ID: : ALT.856_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_QIG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Qi Gong for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Qi Gong
Skip Instructions:

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Question ID: : CAL.425_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CYOGA
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS did [S.C. name] practice any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children LT 18_
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) [goto CTAICHI]
Question ID: : CAL.430_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CTAICHI
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS did [S.C name] practice any of the following?
...Tai Chi (tie-CHEE)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children LT 18
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) [goto CQIGONG]
Question ID: : CAL.435_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CQIGONG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS did [S.C name] practice any of the following?
...Qi Gong (chee-KUNG)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children LT 18
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) if CYOGA=1 or CTAICHI=1 or CQIGONG=1 [goto CYG_TRET]; else [goto CRL_MED]